I love reading your insightful stories about Italy! Please keep them coming!

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Apr 17Liked by Life Lived Italian

Another lovely post Eric, such a lovely read. Especially liked this line: "Sometimes there’s serenity in limitations, just like there’s meaning in silence and secrets in shadows." I've felt this wisdom walking through hidden streets in Italy.

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This has given me quite a bit to think about. Thank you. (Come to Venice and see the narrowest calle's in Italy!)

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Thanks so much! And I'm still thinking about that meal you described at Coda del Pesce. Wow, that looked amazing...

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Ahhhh-- a totally different category. No question Venice has this won. I'm so overdue for a trip to Venice-- your posts have given me a week's worth of things to do there!

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You're so kind-- I really appreciate such a careful and thoughtful read. Grazie tante!

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Now there's a name! This vicolo in Ripatransone didn't even have a name, so maybe what happened there was worse. Everyone seemed pretty safe the day I was there :)

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Thanks so much-- that's really kind and encouraging. So appreciate the care and insight you bring in your reading of them!

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"... silent and empty except for a thousand years worth of echoes". Eric, thank you again. Your detailed writing is so beautiful and poetic. It has depth, humor, rich history and gives us so much to visualize and ponder. I've loved every single one.

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Our town has a tiny narrow Vicolo Baciadonne where guess what used to be done.

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