They do this around my neck of the Italian woods. Love the fact that there are no road blocks or signs, just an assumption that everyone will be happy to stop for a few minutes while cheese is expertly flung along a road.

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That was a riot! Leave it to the Italians... food is the center of everything!

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If breakdancing can be a sport, why not pasta-making? I can see the Italians at the top of the medal list in 2028: cheese-rolling, pasta-making, and of course pizza tossing. Thanks always for taking the time to comment!

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Aug 9Liked by Life Lived Italian

This post takes the cheese 🍰

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Aug 8Liked by Life Lived Italian

"My son is afraid to roll cheese" - Ed Beall, 1978

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Aug 8Liked by Life Lived Italian

Unbelievably fabulous because it is so informative about “ cheese competition”, but how life truly is a competition and many levels.

This post takes the cake. It was simply fantastic Eric so much fun. At the end, I I was laughing to myself and had the biggest smile on my face.! Bravo, bravo bravo💖

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Aug 7Liked by Life Lived Italian

Bravo. You outdid yourself on this post.

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Aug 8Liked by Life Lived Italian

Agreed. A variation on the theme of his own thesis: Anything he can do he can do better.

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Aug 7Liked by Life Lived Italian

This is so great! A will keep this on his list as an alternative to golf! Perhaps he could start a new Varsity team!?

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Aug 7Liked by Life Lived Italian

Thank you for this splendid article! It *defines* delightful! We’ll be on an extended stay in Italy soon, and you bet I’ll be looking up the Federazione Italiana Giochi e Sport Tradizionali to see if there is any cheese rolling to be spectated!!

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Yea-- you'd think you'd at least get the guys in orange vests out there with some flags. But on this particular road (and probably the one near you as well) I'm used to having to pull to the side to make way for the sheep crossing. So cheese-flinging actually looked pretty orderly by comparison. Thanks so much for commenting-- good to know that the cheese toss is spread across at least several regions. Where are you based?

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Nice one. You’re on a roll! Thanks for this….

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Hey-- those are not some soft French brie. Those things are nine pounds of Pecorino. You'll remember the day you got hit by one of those.

It's not that I'm afraid. Just better suited to description than participation.

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Thanks so much!! As I was writing it, I kept thinking about the old show on ABC when I was a kid called "The Wide World of Sports". I don't think they ever covered any cheese competitions, but it would have been interesting to see the Pecorino rollers on there while the announcer opined about "the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat..." Always so appreciate your comments!

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Thanks so much-- can't tell you how valued your support is. As you know, the act of writing can be so isolating. It means the world to know that people are reading and relating to it, particularly on a subject as niche as cheese-tossing.

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Thanks so much— really glad you liked it!!

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And the courses are so affordable. You do have to bring your own cheese though. Thanks for weighing in— hope all is well!

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So glad you enjoyed it. That’s actually a great idea— I’m going to check their website as well. Who knows what other sports we might discover! Thanks again for the kind comments. Enjoy your time in Italy!

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