Nicely done. The beach clubs have always kind of cofounded this raised-with-Santa-Cruz-beaches girl. I must give it another shot next summer. Thank you!

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Wow, what a beautiful piece about beach experiences! I love how you contrasted your childhood memories of Oregon's rugged coastline with the vibrant, structured Italian beach club scene. Your description of slowly warming up to the bagni experience is so relatable - I can totally picture that awkward first visit!

Your closing thoughts about your Aunt Patty and the universal elements of beach experiences were really touching. You're right - no matter where we are, there's something magical about sea, sun, sand, and sky. Thanks for sharing this slice of Italian beach life!

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Sep 7Liked by Life Lived Italian

Fantastic rendition of Italian beach life, thank you!!

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Sep 6Liked by Life Lived Italian

A beautiful post!

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What a beautiful valentine to a most Italian of activities (& one of my most beloved things)

I am sorry to read your sad news about a fellow beach aficionado.

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Sep 6Liked by Life Lived Italian

Eric! Another fabulous post! I always love your writing style, breezy and full of wise humor. Jane and I spent a week with friends in Puglia this summer, visiting beach clubs on both the Adriatic and Ionian coasts, while staying in the old city of Nardo. You brought it right back to me with this chapter of Life Lived Italian. Grazi!

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Sep 6Liked by Life Lived Italian

Loved this one and San Benedetto’s Lavorare will forever be part of my summer memories. I didn’t grow up with the lido experience but my dear friend let us piggy back on her husband’s lido (passed down from generation to generation as you mention) for a decade with our kids and it is truly part of the fabric here. Your ‘ombrellone’ friends are waiting to see you every summer - even us adoptees - and it’s always a joyous reunion. Summers on Cape Cod are wonderful too but not having to schlepp it all from the car (or bikes in our case) and back every day but rather arrive at the well-known spot, the one you’ve gone to your whole life, sit down and chat with your neighbors about their year is pretty special. Viva l’Italia!

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Thanks so much! Definitely fun to research as well :)

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You hit it on the head-- places like the Cape and the Oregon Coast are wonderful, but the Italians have it for ease of use. You really don't have to do much at all except show up and chat with your friends. Have to say, we have such happy memories of our times at Porto San Giorgio with Piero when he has visited during the summer-- hope we can do it all together sometime! Thanks so much for the kind and very insightful comment. Abbracci.

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Andy--- thanks so much; your feedback means the world. Puglia is a wonderful spot-- did you get a chance to check out Polignano? I'm going to make a note to check out Nardo. You have to love a region with not one but two seas! Hope you and Jane are doing well-- abbracci! Thanks again for the kind words.

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I know you're a fan of the beach--- have loved your posts about it! I understand the whole free market competition thing behind the EU controversy, but I have to say--- can't we just leave the beach clubs alone? They're pretty much the most reliable things we have in the whole society.

Thanks for your kind thoughts about my aunt. She was a gem, and definitely a beach girl circa the late 50's-- which is about the best kind there is....

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Thanks so much!!! Hope you guys are doing well!!

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So glad you enjoyed it! Definitely one of my more enjoyable research days :)

Thanks for taking time to comment!

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Really appreciate such a kind comment-- so glad you enjoyed the piece. It's quite funny how far removed the Italian beach club (and some other parts of Europe as well) is from the US experience-- one of those real, cultural gaps. Can't thank you enough for the positive feedback...

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So glad you enjoyed it. It's definitely an adjustment-- I think you just have to accept the beach club as a totally different thing from the West Coast beach day. I don't know why it suddenly grew on me, but now it's just part of our summer routine. Not quite ready for the months-long, everyday at the sunbed thing though. Maybe once or twice a month.. Thanks so much for your comment.

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Loved it, fun writing to read !

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